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Demyan Dmitrovich

Demyan Dmitrovich

Race: Human
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Dark brown
Height: 6 ft 2 in
Weight: 212 lbs
Spouse: Irina Ivanovna


10 Ironmoon 1976 IR


DEM-yan duh-MEE-tro-vich

Appears In

I Am a Wondrous Thing

Demyan Dmitrovich is one of the Great Husbands of Irina Ivanovna, Great Mother of Matriarchate of Periaslavl. He was born in Valdaiskoye Oblast in 1976, the son of married pomestniki.

Of Irina's husbands, he is seen as the most approachable and most skilled with sword and lance. He is the dashing horseman, riding across the steps followed by laughter.


From the Books

Pomestniki yelled loudest for Demyan Dmitrovich, whose rash bravery they all emulated, as had their fathers and grandfathers.
- I Am a Wondrous Thing


Spoilers from I Am a Wondrous Thing 

