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North Road

North Road

Continent: Western Allyria

The North Road is a road running from Snjarvik in Svellheim in the north to Achrida, Dassaretum Province, Empire of Makhaira in the south. In between, most of its path runs along the edge of the Matriarchate of Periaslavl.

Seven kreisens border Periaslavl to the west and are close enough from kriegers to raid the road. Because of the raiding, Periaslavl keeps several troops of pomestniki stationed along the road to patrol it.

Many cities and town lie along its route, including Achrida, Mstovgorod, Kolgrafir, Kvivik, Snjarvik, Tarnovo, and Vladikavkaz. Also, at the border between Periaslavl, the Makhairans have built a large fortress named Markovi Kuli.
