Underworld Figures Locations  »  Empire of Makhaira  »  Dassaretum Province Sundries  »  From the Books

Vladan Banduka

Vladan Banduka

Race: Human
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Height: 6 ft 2 in
Weight: 208 lbs


25 Wineflow 2076 IR


VLA-dan ban-DOO-kah

Appears In

A Lake Most Deep

Vladan Banduka is a high-ranking member of the kral run by Gibroz Kasun in Achrida, Dassaretum Province, Empire of Makhaira.

He is in charge of Gibroz's smuggling and operations on Lake Achrida and the docks.


From the Books

Vladan had been the toughest of the porters and dockworkers until Gibroz hired him to run his smuggling, shipping, and dock operations. Many times Vladan’s loud and profane cursing carried over all the others on the dock.

He had his own reputation for settling his problems with a knife, and since our spies saw him kill two people during the two months we watched him, he apparently earned that reputation honestly, so to speak.
- The Eyes of a Doll
