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Ognyan Bakalov

Ognyan Bakalov

Race: Human
Hair: Gray
Eyes: Brown
Height: 6 ft 3 in
Weight: 172 lbs


6 Yuletide 2076 IR


AWG-nyan ba-KAW-lov

Appears In

The Eyes of a Doll

Ognyan Bakalov is a factor in Achrida, Dassaretum Province, Empire of Makhaira.

He is often employed by Gibroz Kasun and Ylli Logoreki.

He often frequents the Plucked Owl inn.


From the Books

A tall, lanky man with close-cropped gray hair and a sharp nose quickly finished a bite of his lunch and gathered together the collection of parchments on the small table before him. He got up with a look toward us that combined the welcoming guise of a kiosk hawker and the sharp crenellations of mental defenses worthy of the Great City.
- The Eyes of a Doll


Spoilers from The Eyes of a Doll 

